Brought To You By Ison Harrison

Option 1: Do Nothing

  • Low Probability: Only around 6% of people actually move into a nursing home.
  • Pros: No immediate action or cost.
  • Cons: If you do need a nursing home, the fees can quickly consume your home’s value.

Option 2: Change Ownership Structure

  • Joint Tenants to Tenants in Common: Altering the ownership to tenants in common allows each spouse to will their share separately.
  • Life Interest Trust: The surviving spouse can live rent-free, and only their half of the property is assessed for fees if they move into a nursing home.
  • Pros: Lower cost, maintains flexibility while both spouses are alive.
  • Cons: Only protects half of the property, and the arrangement cannot be changed after the first spouse dies.

Option 3: Full Life Interest Trust

  • Transfer to a Trust: Place the home in a trust, allowing you to live rent-free for life.
  • Protection: If you move into a nursing home, the capital value of the home is protected as it is not considered your asset.
  • Pros: Comprehensive protection of the home’s full value.
  • Cons: Higher cost, difficulty in altering the trust after establishment, potential limitations if you move to rented accommodation or sheltered housing.

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